by Deanna Mascle
Important reasons to keep your desire to learn. Have you ever thought upon how key learning is to your life in terms of your ability to not only survive but also to thrive both professionally and personally? Becoming a lifelong learner is important to your health, your success, and your happiness, but if that is not enough reason to learn more then consider these three key reasons to keep your desire to learn and to live and learn.
Change is necessary part of life. If humans did not change then we would not have survived as long as we have upon this planet. Change is important, even essential, but while key that change does not need to be something huge and momentous. Small changes are often daunting enough and can still lead to big rewards.
Learning can decrease your weaknesses. Most of us spend a lot of time and effort trying to conceal or compensate for our weaknesses when that time would be much better spent simply learning more about that particular aspect of our lives and learning how we can decrease that weakness. Perhaps with time and effor that weakness can become a strength.
Learning keeps your mind sharp. Study after study shows that when it comes to the brain it really is use it or lose it. Challenging your brain by learning new skills and experiencing new things can foster brain growth and development no matter what your age. One of the reasons why young children's brains grow at such a rapid rate is because they are constantly learning new things. As we grow older we tend to slow and even stop learning which is damaging to our brains.
These are just three key reasons to keep your desire to learn that should give you food for thought and hopefully start you on the road to learning more and improving yourself today, tomorrow, and all the tomorrows to come. Now go forth and live and learn so you too can reap the benefits of becoming a lifelong learner!
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