by Chandrasoma Perera
'Learning is a Treasure that no thief can take away' as per a words of wisdom coming down the ages. This is true even in today's modern environment. The information age, that we are in now, has created stiff competition in every sphere of activity including the field of education. It can be clearly seen that people around the world are craving for more knowledge. A revolution in education due to the popularity of internet and development of related technologies is taking place around the world that takes training to homes replacing classrooms and lecture rooms for the comfort of the home. The student can choose from large number of study courses and study as per his or her own schedule.
The rise in demand for knowledge is also due to the fact that most peole want to be productive in what they perform and be able to get more from life. This burning desire for education provides them with initiative to pursue online learning as an ongoing investment to reinforce and advance skills and attitudes through study courses in related job related subjects as well as in subjects like personal development, leadership, team work etc. In brief more and more people want to magnify their minds with knowledge to glorify their life in future!
More and More people globally today realise that they are ignorant and this creates in them a genuing need to look for knowledge and receive it even online. Since the world moves fast reaching new horizons yesterday's point of views become obsolete today and we have to move with the moving world if not to be left behind with lot of new things to catch up.
Therefore, as technologies are changing the knowledge requirements to be in step with technologies too are getting consistently updated automatically. This applies to any profession. To keep in step with this knowledge revolution the people around the world has a need to know better and smarter. This has resulted in them starving for education as they want to know more in areas of their choice. Their keenness to obtain knows how on various fields such as business knowledge, technical know-how and general knowledge has given rise to a huge demand for such educational facilities. Now more and more people desire to enter the society as educated and competent professionals. This type of mass education can lead to a change in the World as stated by Nelson Mandela that the Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
The need for speed in every sphere of activity in this modern age equally apply to education as people want to leanrn better to be able to get more from life. As a result the training seakers have an alternative of gaining knowledge without going to a school or a lecture hall of a University. And to cater to the rising demand for online training, education facilities with many online feature keep entering the market. A distinct advantage for online education providers is that the scope to provide a large number of courses online due to the ability of this vehicle of awareness to reach many students beyond geographical boundaries. Online learning can serve a large population of students at one time or session as it doe not faces the limitations that apply to a conventional school such as limited class room capacity and restrictions in tools, teachers and other related facilities. Like a conventional school the online education provider too can have a teaching panel of experts in relevant fields. There is interaction between the teacher and student as the student can actually see the lecture speaking using the white board or other teaching aids online. Since the cost of such learning too is more affordable than offline it is more acceptable also as the students can study at home on their own schedule.
Receiving job oriented degree level education or continuing further education part time has never been easier. Therefore, the societies will benefit from this trend because, 'a small head full of right knowledge is an asset to the society, whereas what use is a big head filled with nothing but ignorance.' - as per a 2500 year old ancient saying from Asia.
About the Author
Chandrasoma Perera writes regularily on a wide range of subjects on internet opportunities. For more details on Online Education visit this website:-
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